Ewige Wand Klettersteig Via Ferrata. A Scenic route in Austria’s Salzkammergut
The Ewige Wand Klettersteig Via Ferrata is one of Austria’s most accessible and scenic via routes. It offers an exhilarating yet manageable climbing experience for beginners and intermediate climbers. Located in the stunning Salzkammergut region near Bad Goisern, this route winds its way along the famous Ewige Wand (Eternal Wall), a dramatic limestone cliff with breathtaking views of the surrounding mountains and valleys. Whether you are new to via ferrata climbing or simply looking for a fun and scenic adventure, Ewige Wand Klettersteig is a fantastic choice. Click here for another thrilling Via Ferrata adventure. Overview The Ewige Wand Klettersteig is not really difficult but offers a perfect balance of…